A kindergarten teacher asked her students ...
Teacher: "Who in this class who knows the number?"
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A kindergarten teacher asked her students ...
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One of ICU beds in the room of a hospital often experience events leading odd .. Each patient will be placed there, died on Friday morning of each day regardless of age, gender, or their health This is very confusing for doctors ... Then the doctors decided to monitor the bed ...
Upon arriving next Friday ... some doctors prepared to identify the cause of death in the bed where the young man when a patient is asleep ... Some doctors hold the Koran as a preparation for Yassin and spirits drive ..
Spinning time ... at 08:00 am .. 08:30 am up at 9.00 am ... all of a sudden ... ... ICU room door was open ... . Then go Aunt Surgery ...A part-time workers as cleaners who only served every Friday .. Login ... approaching the sacred bed ... and continue to pull ...electrical socket for the respirator to turn for help .. vakum cleaner ...
0 comments Labels: English Version
Man: My father was great. He was the police. Everyone is afraid of him.
Ali: Hahaha, my father is more greatest. When he asked the subject, that person would be subject ..
Man: Wow! What your father working?
Ali: Barber.
Doctor: You should take this medication 3 tbsp per day.
Patient: Uh! Can not be a doctor.
Doctor: Why?
Patient: My house is only have two tablespoons.
Teacher: Hasan, connect 2 of this section into one. 'Ali ride bicycles to school. Ali saw the corpses. "
Hasan: Ali saw the corpses ride bicycles to school.
Moni: From this morning I was not full-meal satiety.
Sasi: You eat what?
Mony: Wind!
1 comments Labels: English Version
Buyer: "Sis, how many eggs per kilo?"
Seller: "chicken or duck eggs?"
Buyer: "egg."
Seller: normal egg or chicken? "
Buyer: "ordinary chicken."
Seller: "The local or the imported?"
Buyer: "The local."
Seller: "The wish of the local Ipoh, Kuala Selangor
or Tampin?
Buyer: "The Ipoh lah ..." (As he looks upset).
Seller: "Want to Ipoh Central, West, East, North or South?"
Buyer: "You want to sell the eggs or the streets?"
Seller: "Sorry brother, I am selling noodles in the stew. Incidentally
The eggs sell out to eat. I asked to speak first to the buyer until he comes!
0 comments Labels: English Version